Department of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Engineering (EECE)

Captain (LPR) M S A Al Farook Shiblee, (L), BN

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Engineering (EECE)

M S A Al Farook Shiblee, Captain Navy ( Retired)

Contact Address:  EECE Department, MIST (Room 216, Tower-3) Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka

Mobile: 0088-01717112517, e-mail: ,

Presently serving as:  Associate Professor   

and Advisor of Center for Advisory and Test Services (CATS),

at Electrical Electronic Communication Engineering (EECE) Department,

of Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Dhaka

Academic Qualifications:

1.   Master of Science in Electrical, Electronic and Communication Engineering

Department of EECE, Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST)

Thesis: Design of a Grid connected rooftop solar photo-voltaic system and analysis of its effect on grid in context of


Supervised by:  Prof Dr Ziaur Rahman, BUET. Result:  CGPA 3.83 out of 4 (Year Mar 2023)  


2.   Master of Engineering in Advanced Engineering Management

Department of Industrial and Production Engineering (IPE),

Bangladesh University of Engineering Technology (BUET)

Thesis: Improvement of productivity of Readymade Garments Industries of Bangladesh using industrial engineering


Supervised by:  Prof Dr Ahsan Aktar Hasin, BUET. Result:  CGPA 3.82 out of 4 (Year April 2004)


3.   Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE),

Bangladesh University of Engineering Technology (BUET)

Thesis: Design of a dish Antenna for Satellite receiver

Supervised by: Prof Dr Sattay P. Majumdar, BUET.  Result:  1st Class (68.23%) (Year Oct 1993)


4.   Specialization: Electrical Engineering Specialization Course, A Post Graduate course on marine electrical

engineering, India Navy training Institute- INS VALSURA, Jamnagar, Gujarat, (Year 1997-98)

5.   Post Graduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management:

Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) (Year: 2019-2020)


6. HSC (Placed 13th in Combined Merit list), Rajshahi Board, 1987)  

7. SSC (Placed 7th in Combined Merit list, Rajshahi Board,1985)


8  Phd in EECE  - (on going ) Department of EECE, Military Institute of Science and Technology


Appointments Served and Experience achieved


1   Senior Instructor (Associate Professor) and Director of Center for Advisory and Testing Service (CATS),

Department of EECE, Military Institute of Science and Technology, Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka

(From Jan 2012- May 2013 and April 2015 to September 2023 and presently as Associate Professor on contractual


Responsibilities/experience achieved:   Instructional, administration as Head of Department, laboratory In Charges,

Supervising of Projects, Consultancy, Test and Advisory services for electrical projects  for Government / private


Besides, worked as committee head/ member of  MIST Academic Affairs committee, Higher Management

Committee, Board of Post graduate studies, Syllabus review committee etc

Also,  performed as member of national committee of Ministry of Power and Energy of Govt of Bangladesh for

investigation on National Power Grid failure in Oct 2022 for fault identification and proposal for future prevention.

2.   Deputy Director Purchase (Navy), Directorate General Defence Purchase, DGDP, Dhaka

(From August 2014 to April 2015)

Responsibilities/experience achieved: Central Procurement of different goods/machinery/ equipment and services

for Defence Forces of Bangladesh on the basis of Public purchase and DGDP regulations.   

3.   Commander Technical Division, Naval Store Depot (NSD), Chattogram

(From August 2011 to Jan 2012)

Responsibilities/experience achieved: Plan and Procurement of technical spare parts following Public purchase

regulation, preserving in central store data base, computerization etc

4.   Flotilla Electrical Officer to Commander Bangladesh Navy Flotilla/ships, Chattogram

(From Sep 2010 to Aug 2011)

Responsibilities/experience achieved: Plan and carry out engineering repair, maintenance, procurement,

installation of technical engineering equipment of navy units/ships

5. Director, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering , Chattogram Port Authority, Chattogram

(From July 2008 to Sep 2010)

Responsibilities/experience achieved: Head of planning and utilization, resources, procurement, repair,

maintenance and keep port equipment ready for jetty and yard operation.

6.   Base Electrical Officer to Commander Khulna Naval Area, Khulna. (In charge of Repair facilities for Khulna Naval

Area units/ships and Bases)  (From August 2007 to May 2008)

Responsibilities/experience achieved: Plan and carry out engineering repair, maintenance of equipment of BN

Units/ships, Human resource Management (HRM)

7.   Electrical Officer, Navy Frigates OSMAN, in UNIFIL mission Lebanon (From May 2013 to Aug 2014), also served

as Electrical Officer of Navy Frigate UMAR FAROOQ, at Chottogram, (From May 2005 to May 2006)

Responsibilities/experience achieved: Look after electrical engineering department of ship and ensure readiness

and operational capability for voyages and exercises, Plan and carry out engineering repair, maintenance, human

resource management of technical crew, provide training etc.

8.   Electrical Officer, 02 BN Medium size war Ships (TISTA, SAGOR) in 1995-1996

Responsibilities/experience achieved: Emergency  engineering repair, Planned maintenance, Human resource


9.  Instructor, Electrical School, Naval Institute of Tech, BNS Shaheed Moazzam, Kaptai,1999-2000

Responsibilities/experience achieved: Instructional, laboratory, research, administration duty.

Research Publications:

Conference Papers:

1.  M S A A F Shiblee, Md. Ziaur Rahman, Hasan Monir, Md. Ahsan Kabir, “Exploratory Perspective of PV Net

Energy Metering for Residential Prosumers: A Case Study in Dhaka, Bangladesh”, 2023 International Conference

on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), CUET, February 2023,

2.   F. R. Saquib, A. Chakma  and M S A A F Shiblee, “Analyzing the technical constraints of single-phase

residential grid connected PV under net-metering scheme”, Khulna University Stud., pp. 93–103, October 2022

3.  Md Rosaidul Mawla, M S A A F Shiblee, Ziaur Rahman Khan “Statistical Analysis of Lightning Myths and

Suggestive Measures in Context of Bangladesh” International conference on electrical, electronic and information

technology ICEEICT, MIST, Sep 2019.

4.   Md Rosaidul Mawla, M S A A F ShibleeSurvey on Characteristics of Lightning Injuries in Remote Area of

Bangladesh and Its Prevention” , International conference on electrical, electronic and information technology

ICEEICT, MIST, Sep 2021.

5. Fahad Raihan Saquib, Ankon Chakma, Atik Yasir Rahman, Fariha Hakim Sneha, M S A A F Shiblee and Mahfuzar

Rahman Riad, “A Case Study on the Cost-effectiveness of Net Energy Metering of Residential Grid Connected

Photovoltaic in the Context of Bangladesh” , International conference on electrical, electronic and information

technology ICEEICT, MIST, Sep 2021.

 6. Salim Reza, M S A A F Shiblee, Md Rosaidul Mawla, Jannatul Nime Jein Design and Analysis of Solar PV System

for Marine Fishing Trawlers in Bangladesh” 2019, International conference on electrical, electronic and

information technology ICEEICT, Sep 2019.

7. S. Biswas, M S A A F Shiblee, Shah Mohazzem Hossain - “Electricity Generation through Bio-waste and Solar: An

Alternate Way to Mitigate the Electricity Demand for Individual Owner House in Remote Areas of Bangladesh”

 Professional and Social Memberships:  

1.   Fellow, Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)

2.   Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE)

3    Old Rajshahi Cadets Association – ORCA


1.    The Chancellor award- 1985 from the honourable President of Bangladesh.

2.    National Suddachar Award from Bangladesh Navy in 2023.

3.   Peace time award - Nou Gaurab Padak ( NGP) from Bangladesh Navy in 2023.